Friday, July 18, 2008

Rocky Mtn High, Ghosts, and the Indy 200

Once again we crossed the Continental Divide in RockyMtn Nation Park at 14,400'. The eco system at that elevation was tundra, and the only living thing we saw was a little chipmunk, and grass. We exited the National Park in the charming town of Estes Park. We met a friend of mine, and had cocktaisl on the veranda of the old Stanley Hotel, while the kids went on a ghost hunt. If you ask them, they will give you the gorey details. This hotel was the setting for
Stephen King's, The Shining, and we let the kids watch the movie after another great meal along the banks of a river in the small town. In the AM we packed, and headed for our last hotel before flying out on Sun. The kids got to try thier skills at driving on a small race track on our way to Cheyenne Frontier Days. It proved to be a fun day, and they ended it once again in the hotel pool. Catch us at the rodeo tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just a sip!

The best meal yet! The Italian Underground was delicious, and we all had a great time. We spent today at Glenwood Springs Adventure Park, which is located high in the mountains. A gondola took us to the park entrance, and the kids spent the day climbing, soaring, and flying through the park . Only an impending storm with high winds and lightening around 6 PM convinced them it was time to leave. So then we all left after a ton of rides on the Canyon Flyer, and now we are all going to eat pizza.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Snowballs in July


As we continue to travel through the Rockies, we cross again the continental divide at Mt. Elbert, the highest peak in the continental states at 14,300'. We are now convinced that the expression"it is so beautiful, it takes your breath away" is literal. At such elevations the air is so thin it becomes difficult to breath. Once over the divide, we decended into the town of Aspen, where we stopped for lunch at "Boogies", and continued on to Glenwood Springs, where we will spend the next 2 nights. Glenwood Springs is home to the world's largest hot mineral spring's pool. Teagan and Cristian spent a few hours in the pool before we head out to dinner. We spent most of the day in the car and in the pool, and just had a lazy day. Check up with us later when we write about tomorrow at the Adventure Park, right up the mountain from our hotel.

Monday, July 14, 2008

More exciting than the Plattekill

Hey guys!! Hope you had a great day because we certainly did! Today we went white water rafting at Buffalo Joes. Karan took one fall but me and Fred helped her, while Cristian was paddling. Overall we hit a ton of waves (as shown in the pictures. If anyone travels to Colorado, go rafting there!! Anyways, the day was fantabulous (that really is a word!) and catch up with us tomorrow, sorry about the misprint yesterday, in Aspen.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Rest & Ride

Today we continued our drive north through the mountains. Our destination was the small town of Buena Vista,nestled between the Arkansas River and the Rockies. We are here today to ride in a National Forest and relax before we take on the rapids of the Arkansas. The kids had the chance to saddle up, and trail ride up into the mountains. Thier ride started at an elevation of 8,000', just shy of the timberline. Teagan rode "Rum", and Cristian rode "Ringo", both quarter horses. There was also a pretty palamino horse there too, mom!!! We had a great day and can't wait to go white water rafting tomorrow, but we may not be able to get pictures of it, because we are gonna get soaked!!!! If we do upload them, you're lucky!!! See you guys in......Aspen!!!!!

Karan, Fred, Teagan and Cristian

Saturday, July 12, 2008


As we continue to travel East, we passed over the Continental Divide at Monarch Pass,an elevation of just over 11,000'. It was 54 degrees at the pass, and the surrounding mountains were covered in snow. The kids remained "plugged in", and stayed in the car when Fred and I got out to take a few pics. We reached our destination for the day at Royal Gorge, a dramatic gorge formed by the Arkansas River, with the highest suspension bridge in the world. For the thrill of a life the kids got to ride the "sky coaster", which is similar to a bungee jump. They were lifted to an elevation which took my breath away,and had to pull a rip cord to be dropped over the river below. Please note no ipods allowed. Tomorrow in lieu of off roading, the kids are going on a 3 hr private trail ride into the Rocky Mtns. As I write they are swimming in the pool, which I think, is their favorite time of the day.

Friday, July 11, 2008

San Jaun Mtn Range

Yes, that is snow, and yes, that is a Shady Brady. We are traveling North, and East through the San Juan Mtns into The Rockies. We visited the old mining towns of Silverton, and Ouray. The surprise of the trip was the discovery of Black Canyon National Park,which provided dramatic, cliff hanging views deep into a rugged canyon. We have included a pic, which does no justice to it's granduer. We are currently overnight in Gunnison, Co, and have reservations at an Italian restaurnat, Garlic Mike's. Tomorrow we head west over the Continental Divide to Buena Vista,Co, where the kids will get to bungy jump, off road 4 wheel, and raft on the Arkansas River.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Forgotten Pics

Teagan and Cristian at a viewpoint over LakePowell in Utah. Aunty with the Indians, and a few pics of the condors on the rim of the canyon. Tomorrow we are off to Durango, Ouray, and Gunnison Colorado. Thanks for your posts. We love to read them!

Grand Canyon Views

Sorry we have been out of touch, but there is no internet service inside Grand Canyon National Park. We arrived early evening on Tues in time to enjoy some traditional Navajo dance, and watch the sun set over the rim of the canyon. It is beyond description. The California Condors have been reintroduced to the wild since near extinction, and they soar on the upwinds of the canyon creating a magnificant display. Hopefully our pictures will give you an idea of the magnitude of the canyon. We are off to Colorado to raft, and visit the Rockies.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Riding Through Zion

Here are Teagan and Cristian in Zion Park. We went for bus rides around the park and went for walks to look at all the scenery. Later on in the day we went on a trail ride. Cristian rode a horse named Miss Kitty and Teagan rode a horsenamed Chalkboard. Later on we went to dinner then fell dead asleep after an exhausting day.
Join us soon for our new trip to.........Arizona!!!!!
See ya soon!!