Monday, July 14, 2008

More exciting than the Plattekill

Hey guys!! Hope you had a great day because we certainly did! Today we went white water rafting at Buffalo Joes. Karan took one fall but me and Fred helped her, while Cristian was paddling. Overall we hit a ton of waves (as shown in the pictures. If anyone travels to Colorado, go rafting there!! Anyways, the day was fantabulous (that really is a word!) and catch up with us tomorrow, sorry about the misprint yesterday, in Aspen.


Unknown said...

I can't believe that Aunty took to the raft. Pretty rough water. It does tho remind me a bit our stream in times of stress. Hope nobody's car got flooded.

Glad that everyone is having a great time. What a geography lesson!

Sue said...

Hi Guys,

I can't believe you really did that ride Mrs. S. Look's just like the picture I have in my scrap book from years ago. The only thing was that I was a kid when i had those rapid rides not a fun Mom and Gigi like you! Things are exciting here too! Lots of catching up to do!! Love to all..xoxo Sue